High temperatures, long cycles, toxic detergents in plastic packaging …
Love for clean clothes comes with a high environmental price tag.
Washing, drying and ironing produces around a quarter of the carbon footprint in clothes’ lifecycle. But that's only half of the problem. Synthetic clothing is the main cause of microplastic pollution in the oceans.
Acrylic is just plastic.
Did you know: Acrylic isn't biodegradable, so it won't break down over time. Instead, if acrylic goes to landfill it can remain there for hundreds of years, adding to pollution and carbon emission levels. Incinerating acrylic releases greenhouse gases so should also be avoided.
OVER 60% OF CLOTHES are now synthetic. When you wash them, a crazy amount of small fibers shed from the textile. We call them microfibers.
MICRO FIBERS = MACRO PROBLEM. Microfibers from your laundry go down the drain and eventually land in the oceans. In our tap water. In our food. Yes, even in sperm.
Do Eco Friendly Detergents Actually Clean Your Clothes?
"Eco Global News" tested Dozens of Detergents Over The Past Year -
Here Are The Top 5 That Actually Work!